Or next job was to set out making cards for his 5 grannies (3 of them are great grannies) and his teachers. I drew the outline of eggs onto shrink plastic and he then decorated them with permanent markers. Once we had shrunk them we attached them to cards and added paper, pompoms, gems... pretty much what ever Liam could lay his hands on that I allowed.
These cute chickens arrived as a kit from my Mom. They are suppose to be for decorating real eggs, but I decided chocolate eggs were a better idea. Each piece is stuck to the egg with a sticky foam dot. I helped Liam with the first couple and then let him get on with it and some of them looked very funny, but he had a lot of fun.
Gift Boxes
These could be made for any occasion. Decide how big you want your gift box to be. You can make it from scratch or like I did by cutting the bottom off an existing box (Great way to recycle lol )
Choose papers suitable to the occasion and then tear them into pieces. I use normal craft glue and mix it with water. I paint the watery glue onto the box and the stick the papers on. As I stick the papers I paint over the top of them as well. It ensures they are well stuck as well as giving it a shiny finish. Leave to dry completely.
Fill the boxes with what ever treats you like arranging them nicely. Cover the whole box with plastic and secure with sellotape underneath. The photo below shows 2 different size boxes both done in the same way.
After I had filled the boxes they looked empty so i decide to bake some biscuits which didn't go according to plan and took me late into the night. TIP - try all the contents of your box in the box before you start decorating.
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
Here are the items which were in the March Scrappack:
This is what I did with the pack items:
silver heart charm - Is upside down in the binder at the top of the lighthouse. floss - Used as waves in the sea and also in the hidden journalling tag. buttons - 1 big white one at the top of the light house in the clip, the other 14 are scattered on the seashore as rocks. confetti hearts - painted black and used to decorate the sails of the boat. map - inked brown and cut into boulders on the seashore. index divider - painted white and used to make the lighthouse. tea bag - The tea is used as the sand on the shore and the bag was cut to make the clouds. shipping tags and wire - the first 1 was used to make the sails of the boat and the wire is the ropes, the second tag was used for hidden journalling and the wire to make the rays of light from the lighthouse. binder clip - painted white and used at the top of the lighthouse. sandpaper - Used to make the boat, the roof of the lighthouse and also for scratching along the bottom of the photo
Here are some close ups of the making of the lighthouse and boat:
I won second place for most creative, sadly no prizes for second place lol
Here are a couple of close up to show my really cool supplies, how I love scrapping supplies :)